Goldfish Family: Cyprinidae, Carps and Minnows view all from this family Description To 16" (41 cm); 3 1/2 lbs (1.6 kg). Robust; usually olive, but can vary to gold, orange, or creamy-white; fins similar color; young may have dark blotches. No barbels. Dorsal fin with 1 heavy, serrated spine, 15-18 branched rays; anal fin with 1 heavy, serrated spine, 5-6 rays; caudal peduncle deep, short. Lateral line complete, 27-31 scales. Related Species Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio )has 2 pairs of barbels on upper lip and 32-39 smaller lateral line scales. Range Introduced in warmer waters of S. Canada, United States, and Mexico. Discussion Goldfishes are native tod China. They tolerate extreme temperatures (0-degrees to 41-degrees C) and low levels of dissolved oxygen, but are usually found in warmer waters where winters are not severe. Goldfish and Common Carp hybridize, making identification difficult. Since large populations of Goldfish can suppress native fishes, they should not be released into the wild. |