

Python Cookbook 2.9 从Zip文件中读数据





import zipfile
z = zipfile.ZipFile("zipfile.zip", "r")
for filename in z.namelist ( ):
    print 'File:', filename,
    bytes = z.read(filename)
    print 'has', len(bytes), 'bytes'

Python可以直接操作zip文件中的数据,可以获得文件列表或者直接获得文件的内容.本节中给出的例子获得了zipfile.zip中的文件列表和包含文件的长度 .
假如一个zip文件包含了zip模块(py或者pyw文件),你可以在sys.path中添加这个文件的路径 ,并能使用import来引用zip文件中的模块.下面是一个小例子,仅仅用来说明问题,它创建一个zip文件,应引用了它,最后再删除:

import zipfile, tempfile, os, sys
handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp('.zip')
z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w')
z.writestr('hello.py', 'def f( ): return "hello world from "+_ _file_ _\n')
z.close( )
sys.path.insert(0, filename)
import hello
print hello.f( )


hello world from /tmp/tmpESVzeY.zip/hello.py



z = ZipFile(file, mode="r", compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True)
 |  file: Either the path to the file, or a file-like object.
 |        If it is a path, the file will be opened and closed by ZipFile.
 |  mode: The mode can be either read "r", write "w" or append "a".
 |  compression: ZIP_STORED (no compression) or ZIP_DEFLATED (requires zlib).
 |  allowZip64: if True ZipFile will create files with ZIP64 extensions when
 |              needed, otherwise it will raise an exception when this would
 |              be necessary.

mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='tmp', dir=None, text=False)
    mkstemp([suffix, [prefix, [dir, [text]]]])
    User-callable function to create and return a unique temporary
    file.  The return value is a pair (fd, name) where fd is the
    file descriptor returned by os.open, and name is the filename.
    If 'suffix' is specified, the file name will end with that suffix,
    otherwise there will be no suffix.
    If 'prefix' is specified, the file name will begin with that prefix,
    otherwise a default prefix is used.
    If 'dir' is specified, the file will be created in that directory,
    otherwise a default directory is used.
    If 'text' is specified and true, the file is opened in text
    mode.  Else (the default) the file is opened in binary mode.  On
    some operating systems, this makes no difference.
    The file is readable and writable only by the creating user ID.
    If the operating system uses permission bits to indicate whether a
    file is executable, the file is executable by no one. The file
    descriptor is not inherited by children of this process.
    Caller is responsible for deleting the file when done with it.

writestr(self, zinfo_or_arcname, bytes)
    unbound zipfile.ZipFile method
    Write a file into the archive.  The contents is the string
    'bytes'.  'zinfo_or_arcname' is either a ZipInfo instance or
    the name of the file in the archive.

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