Python Cookbook 3.6 自动查询假日信息
在两个日期之间,可能有日期不定的节日,比如美国的复活节和劳动节,还有根据复活节计算的节日,比如礼节日(Boxing Day),或者有固定日期的节日, 比如圣诞节.甚至你们公司自己的节日(比如老板的生日).你都可以使用datetime和第三方包util来处理这些情况.
import datetime
from dateutil import rrule, easter
try: set
except NameError: from sets import Set as set
def all_easter(start, end):
# return the list of Easter dates within start..end
easters = [easter.easter(y)
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in easters if start<=d<=end]
def all_boxing(start, end):
# return the list of Boxing Day dates within start..end
one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
boxings = [easter.easter(y)+one_day
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in boxings if start<=d<=end]
def all_christmas(start, end):
# return the list of Christmas Day dates within start..end
christmases = [datetime.date(y, 12, 25)
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in christmases if start<=d<=end]
def all_labor(start, end):
# return the list of Labor Day dates within start..end
labors = rrule.rrule(rrule.YEARLY, bymonth=9, byweekday=rrule.MO(1),
dtstart=start, until=end)
return [d.date( ) for d in labors] # no need to test for in-between here
def read_holidays(start, end, holidays_file='holidays.txt'):
# return the list of dates from holidays_file within start..end
holidays_file = open(holidays_file)
except IOError, err:
print 'cannot read holidays (%r):' % (holidays_file,), err
return [ ]
holidays = [ ]
for line in holidays_file:
# skip blank lines and comments
if line.isspace( ) or line.startswith('#'):
# try to parse the format: YYYY, M, D
y, m, d = [int(x.strip( )) for x in line.split(',')]
date = datetime.date(y, m, d)
except ValueError:
# diagnose invalid line and just go on
print "Invalid line %r in holidays file %r" % (
line, holidays_file)
if start<=date<=end:
holidays_file.close( )
return holidays
holidays_by_country = {
# map each country code to a sequence of functions
'US': (all_easter, all_christmas, all_labor),
'IT': (all_easter, all_boxing, all_christmas),
def holidays(cc, start, end, holidays_file=' holidays.txt'):
# read applicable holidays from the file
all_holidays = read_holidays(start, end, holidays_file)
# add all holidays computed by applicable functions
functions = holidays_by_country.get(cc, ( ))
for function in functions:
all_holidays += function(start, end)
# eliminate duplicates
all_holidays = list(set(all_holidays))
# uncomment the following 2 lines to return a sorted list:
# all_holidays.sort( )
# return all_holidays
return len(all_holidays) # comment this out if returning list
if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
test_file = open('test_holidays.txt', 'w')
test_file.write('2004, 9, 6\n')
test_file.close( )
testdates = [ (datetime.date(2004, 8, 1), datetime.date(2004, 11, 14)),
(datetime.date(2003, 2, 28), datetime.date(2003, 5, 30)),
(datetime.date(2004, 2, 28), datetime.date(2004, 5, 30)),
def test(cc, testdates, expected):
for (s, e), expect in zip(testdates, expected):
print 'total holidays in %s from %s to %s is %d (exp %d)' % (
cc, s, e, holidays(cc, s, e, test_file.name), expect)
test('US', testdates, (1,1,1) )
test('IT', testdates, (1,2,2) )
import os
在我工作的公司里面,有几个工会,公司的节假日由几个工会协商制定.另外,我需要将下雪天和发布产品的日期作为"官方"节假日.为了处理各种情况,比较方便的方法是将不同类型的节假日放在不同的函数中处理,比如上例中我们对all_Easter和all_labor的处理.对于各种不同的情况都有列出 ,所以你很容易写出自己的来.
每个函数确保满足你的要求的日期才被返回:一个datetime.date实例列表被传递给函数,而且它们都是处于给定日期区间内的.比如,在all_labor里面,我们强制将使用dateutil的rrule的datetime.datetime类型由转换为datetime.date类型后返回 .
在两个日期之间,可能有日期不定的节日,比如美国的复活节和劳动节,还有根据复活节计算的节日,比如礼节日(Boxing Day),或者有固定日期的节日, 比如圣诞节.甚至你们公司自己的节日(比如老板的生日).你都可以使用datetime和第三方包util来处理这些情况.
import datetime
from dateutil import rrule, easter
try: set
except NameError: from sets import Set as set
def all_easter(start, end):
# return the list of Easter dates within start..end
easters = [easter.easter(y)
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in easters if start<=d<=end]
def all_boxing(start, end):
# return the list of Boxing Day dates within start..end
one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
boxings = [easter.easter(y)+one_day
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in boxings if start<=d<=end]
def all_christmas(start, end):
# return the list of Christmas Day dates within start..end
christmases = [datetime.date(y, 12, 25)
for y in xrange(start.year, end.year+1)]
return [d for d in christmases if start<=d<=end]
def all_labor(start, end):
# return the list of Labor Day dates within start..end
labors = rrule.rrule(rrule.YEARLY, bymonth=9, byweekday=rrule.MO(1),
dtstart=start, until=end)
return [d.date( ) for d in labors] # no need to test for in-between here
def read_holidays(start, end, holidays_file='holidays.txt'):
# return the list of dates from holidays_file within start..end
holidays_file = open(holidays_file)
except IOError, err:
print 'cannot read holidays (%r):' % (holidays_file,), err
return [ ]
holidays = [ ]
for line in holidays_file:
# skip blank lines and comments
if line.isspace( ) or line.startswith('#'):
# try to parse the format: YYYY, M, D
y, m, d = [int(x.strip( )) for x in line.split(',')]
date = datetime.date(y, m, d)
except ValueError:
# diagnose invalid line and just go on
print "Invalid line %r in holidays file %r" % (
line, holidays_file)
if start<=date<=end:
holidays_file.close( )
return holidays
holidays_by_country = {
# map each country code to a sequence of functions
'US': (all_easter, all_christmas, all_labor),
'IT': (all_easter, all_boxing, all_christmas),
def holidays(cc, start, end, holidays_file=' holidays.txt'):
# read applicable holidays from the file
all_holidays = read_holidays(start, end, holidays_file)
# add all holidays computed by applicable functions
functions = holidays_by_country.get(cc, ( ))
for function in functions:
all_holidays += function(start, end)
# eliminate duplicates
all_holidays = list(set(all_holidays))
# uncomment the following 2 lines to return a sorted list:
# all_holidays.sort( )
# return all_holidays
return len(all_holidays) # comment this out if returning list
if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':
test_file = open('test_holidays.txt', 'w')
test_file.write('2004, 9, 6\n')
test_file.close( )
testdates = [ (datetime.date(2004, 8, 1), datetime.date(2004, 11, 14)),
(datetime.date(2003, 2, 28), datetime.date(2003, 5, 30)),
(datetime.date(2004, 2, 28), datetime.date(2004, 5, 30)),
def test(cc, testdates, expected):
for (s, e), expect in zip(testdates, expected):
print 'total holidays in %s from %s to %s is %d (exp %d)' % (
cc, s, e, holidays(cc, s, e, test_file.name), expect)
test('US', testdates, (1,1,1) )
test('IT', testdates, (1,2,2) )
import os
在我工作的公司里面,有几个工会,公司的节假日由几个工会协商制定.另外,我需要将下雪天和发布产品的日期作为"官方"节假日.为了处理各种情况,比较方便的方法是将不同类型的节假日放在不同的函数中处理,比如上例中我们对all_Easter和all_labor的处理.对于各种不同的情况都有列出 ,所以你很容易写出自己的来.
每个函数确保满足你的要求的日期才被返回:一个datetime.date实例列表被传递给函数,而且它们都是处于给定日期区间内的.比如,在all_labor里面,我们强制将使用dateutil的rrule的datetime.datetime类型由转换为datetime.date类型后返回 .
标签: Python